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What you should know about DA Form 1058

  1. Form Description: AT 21. SIGNATURE DA FORM 1058-R JUL 2010
  2. Form Use: Application for Active Duty for Training Active Duty for Special Work
  3. Authority: 10 USC 672 d and USC 275

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How to prepare DA Form 1058

Obtain the DA 1058-R on the web
Use your desktop or mobile device to open up the form on the web in the PDF editor. Click on Get Form to examine the actual version of the form.
Complete the sample
Fill out the sample in depth, supplying precise info. If there is a signature area, add your signature by sketching or typing it.
E-file the document
You may skip printing and deliver your file on the web by means of electronic mail. Consult with the respective regulators whether the form is approved digitally.

About Da 1058-R

The DA 1058-R is a form used by the United States Army. It is known as the Application for Active Duty for Training, Active Duty for Operational Support, and Annual Training for Soldiers of the Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve. This form is required for soldiers of the Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve who are seeking active duty for training, active duty for operational support, or annual training. It is used to request authorization from the appropriate authorities to attend these training programs. Soldiers who need to attend specialized training and gain experience in their chosen military occupation may require active duty for training. Active duty for operational support may be required when a soldier is needed to support ongoing military operations or other mission requirements. Annual training is a mandatory training period that reserve component soldiers must complete each year to maintain their readiness. In summary, the DA 1058-R is required by soldiers in the Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve who are seeking authorization for active duty training, operational support, or annual training.

How to complete a DA Form 1058

  1. Fill out all required fields in Part I Applicant section, including name, address, telephone numbers, unit of assignment, grade, branch, sex, DOB, marital status, dependents, duty SSI AOC /MOS, height, weight, primary SSI AOC /MOS, and total years of active federal service
  2. Check appropriate box in Part I if drawing pension, disability compensation, or retired pay
  3. Select the type of active duty requested in Part I
  4. Provide dates and location of requested duty/training in Part I
  5. Confirm physical qualification for military duty in Part I
  6. Sign and date the form in Part I
  7. Fill out all required fields in Part II Records Custodian section, including promotion consideration code, pay entry basic date, security clearance, rank date, ETS date, mandatory removal date, UIC, HIV test date, and any previous training or duty in the current fiscal year
  8. Confirm if panoramic dental xray is on file
  9. Review and ensure all information is accurate before submission

People also ask about DA Form 1058

What is the purpose of DA Form 1058?
DA Form 1058 is used to determine eligibility and schedule individuals for active duty for special work or active duty for training on requested dates.
Is completing DA Form 1058 mandatory?
Yes, completing DA Form 1058 is mandatory for individuals applying for active duty for special work and active duty for training.
What agency is the proponent agency for DA Form 1058?
The proponent agency for DA Form 1058 is DCS G-1.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing DA Form 1058

Instructions and Help about DA Form 1058

I know guys tonight we're taking apart the HP 15 da series laptop this is a 15 da mm 940 you straight out of the box and yes so the trick to taking apart this laptop is to not mess up these small edges you know which are pretty clearly designed so that you don't actually take the laptop apart that when you just go and replace it when it dies but if you want to do a memory upgrade or you want to put in your own SSD or something like that you're going to be able to get in there so um yeah so I've taken out the screws from these three points in the one at the front and yes next step with these now this one's brand new so it's still going to be quite tight I use a little razor and try to cut underneath to pick it up so what I've done here is I've picked it up using a razor at the top edge left the first little strip of glue in place on the base and then you want to pick the rest of it up with the tape underneath like that and we'll pull those furs like that and we'll pull those service just being careful not to damage that edge now this one hasn't been opened before so it's still quite tight there it is and once a couple of the clips go then you smooth it's gonna be pretty smooth to get the rest off so probably the one thing to avoid is don't try to use a Stanley knife and go in from the top to lift it out because that's definitely going to hack up the edge so oh and that's pretty much done okay yeah so...